Put Your Dream To The Test 10 Questions to Help You See It and Seize It

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Book is called Everything,
I n this She tells us how just being with God is one thing. But Giving up to God is another object all in it's self. We must give God EVERYTHING, we must turn everything over to HIM. If we are to love and give God our trust we cannot just give him halfway to God. We must learn to give our whole lives to Jesus. The statement "what you give and what you gain to become like Jesus" is an important statement in this book. I leave my passage with this: In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, The Word gave life to everything that was created,and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it, (John 1:1-5NLT).
When we realize our lives are out of control as everyone else' s lives are as well. Remember God is with us. Stop and rest in the WORD!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grieving God's Way The Path to Lasting Hope and Healing

Grieving God's Way The Path to Lasting Hope and Healing

By Margaret Brownley

This book I found very helpful, then I left for a friend who is slowly grieving his wife in sickness. This book, Grieving God's Way The Path to Lasting Hope and Healing is an opening in way that helps everyone grieve in lots of ways. You grieve over dying family members, relationships, pets dying, you grieve when you move from one home to another or from one state to another and so many other different things and items you need to grieve over. Divorce is a major grieving process. Wow so many things to grieve over and it takes months and sometimes years to get over grieving. God's path is so much better than our path, it's soothing and meditating when you will bring God into a process that God can pray with you.  God brings lasting hope where there none, and so much healing where without God there really isn't any healing because our normal process by ourselves is to bury it so far into our brains we don't think about it anymore. With God he wants you to think about the process of grieving so that you can meditate on the loving and caring and healing and the lasting process of placing the person, place or relationship into the proper place it needs to be so we have it in our lives to remember it but where it won't hurt anymore.   

Friday, June 1, 2012

Father Hunger

"Father Hunger" Why God Calls Men To Love And Lead Their Families By Douglas Wilson. WOW what a book!
Fathers are so Important! God made Adam first then Eve, so that Adam could protect Eve and the offspring that they would have together. Families are so messed up in today world. We have so many single family homes. Yes, I'm a single family home and I'm a firm believer that there is someone out there who can be a Head of household for me. Who can strong in God and not beat me and be a control freak having to know where I'm at 24/7. Who will have trust in a marriage and not cheat on a marriage. This book " Father Hunger" tells what Father roll is. Fathers are so important but yet their not taking their rolls seriously anymore. Good men are out in this universe I know they are, but where. My Faith is strong in Catholic views. When a Strong Man who has God in his heart and soul and His Head on Right Financially comes along my house will be in order. Don't get me wrong,  some Men are strong, but some are just being lazy and not taking their job that God gave them seriously. If Men take their job seriously, more often women who are right with God (God"s will ) will get you together.    This book is very good. More Men should read it and Women should read it, to know how they should their man grown in God's ways. Because in God's Will I think with ever good Man there is a Good Woman  who enhances her husband or boyfriend even more. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Coming Revolution by Dr. Richard G. Lee

Let me see if we look to the future we must look to the past first. At my age I have found if I look at the fashions of the past they will appear some where in the future and in "The Coming Revolution" it tells of things that had happen in the past that are happening now and may happen in the future.
America's nation is headed for a new revolution, and we have to relay on our young to make the right decisions for America. To quote the book "The sun never shined on a cause of greater worth. 'Tis not the affair of a city, a country, a province, or a kingdom, but of a continent--of at least one-eighth part of the habitable globe.""Tis not the concern of a day , a year, or an age: posterity:are virtually involved in the contest, and will be more or less affected even to the end of time by the proceedings now. Now is the seedtime of continental union, faith, and honor.  This writer makes this book interesting.  Men and women of this country are engaged in a universal struggle for freedom and the right for self- determination.

Friday, December 16, 2011

David and the Old Man

This book was about how men relations grow. When growing up you relation isn't so good with your father but once you grow up you father is your role model. And in this store David doesn't realize this right away. And he doesn't want to admit it. He has to grow up and realize in his life he's become just like the Old Man.
In David's life it goes around the farm and what happens around the farm, and that's all that the old man taught him, David all his life grows up wanting to get away from the farm. And once he's away he's not happy after awhile David come back to the farm and finds happiness in the Old man's footsteps.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heaven is for Real for Kids

Heaven is for Real for Kids, is a fantastic book. This is a book all children in and out of the hospital should be given, to take the fear out of Heaven and dying. Heaven is a wonderful place, it's a place NO One should be scared to enter. As a Man my father was afraid to die, dying of cancer he was scared he would be left in the box and rot. If I could had shown him this book it could have taken his fear away even a little. God is Good and our fear can be taken away in reading Heaven is for Real for Kids. This is a Awesome book. From a child's visit to Heaven. After finishing this book I donated this book to Birthright of Eaton, their yearly Banquet to celebrate Life of children. God Bless our children. God loves us ALL. This is an Awesome Book!

Friday, October 14, 2011

50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know

This is a book about how a young lady should act. It's great! Now a days young lady aren't learning these things in school or home sometime. They wear pants all the time, I'm a substitute teacher and I very seldom see young ladies with dresses on that aren't too short or of nice taste. Inless there is a prom or dance of big to do.

This book tells a young lady how she should answer a phone, texting, and even how to send thank you notes for the gifts she received. In the schools today the girls act like bullies and gang kids instead of nice polite young ladies.  Manners and respect for girls are most important in this world today. If you want to find and keep a good job in today's society  you must know how to act like a lady in the work place.
 Here are some of the things you will learn:
What to say when you Aunt gives you a gift you already have.
 What you should never put on your Facebook wall.
 How to respond when someone compliments you on your haircut- that you really hate.
 What to say when your parents say NO!
 How to make things right with your best friend.
You will learn the DO's and Don'ts of being a young Lady.

This is a prefect Christmas present for my grand daughter!!